
The key to a modern workplace is CHOICE. Activity-Based-Design offers people the choices they need as their activities flow. We each have individual work styles, and our jobs have a variety of functions throughout the day. The Luminary delivers flexible workspaces geared for FOCUS, COLLABORATION, LEARNING, and SOCIALIZING. According to Diane Hoskins, Co-Ceo of Gensler, these are the four main modes of the modern knowledge worker. The modes are highly interconnected, and creating the correct balance of space for the nature of your company is a leading factor of workplace effectiveness.

Jason Smith

As organizations flatten, collaboration increases, and technology frees workers from their desks. Technology is turning the dreams of our youth into the reality of today.  Our digitally connected world opens access to new ideas, new movements, and new inspirations.  It’s about having access to any song, anywhere, on demand.  It’s about a cross-town ride with the click of an app.  A hand-crafted, personalized beverage without the wait.  Lunch on demand with the click of an app.  It’s about having mobile access to endless dynamic data in the cloud... 

We call it Connective-Hospitality, and we invite you to be our guests.

Jason Smith
Technology Should Be Transparent. PERSONALIty Should Not.

The promise of technology isn’t about zeroes and ones.  It's about the heart and soul of the people it empowers and the connections they make.  Our workplace should embody these same ideals. The Luminary will help you adapt your workplace to deliver the promise of tomorrow’s business-lifestyle.

Because people grow, companies change and industries evolve; every tomorrow is already today.

Jason Smith